While the firm claims it had some$ 3.7 billion in available liquidity as of the end of the third quarter, that cash may have since dried up. 虽然MFGlobal声称在第三季度末依然拥有约37亿美元的可用流动资金,但后来这笔钱可能已经消耗殆尽。
I would guess that with two different schemes available, the government should be able to discourage more smokers while also raising extra cash. 我估计,通过这两种不同的模式,政府应该能够劝阻更多的人吸烟,同时还能获得额外收入。
Payment options are available in cash, bank transfer and credit card, and all details will be given after the first free lesson. 现金支付,银行转账和信用卡,首节免费课后,您将会得到相关细节。
Signs of a stabilisation in house prices are tentative at best, and where sales data is available, it appears to suggest that first-time buyers and cash investors are taking advantage of distressed sales. 房价企稳的迹象顶多只是暂时的,从能够获取的销售数据来看,似乎首次购房者和现金投资者正利用销售低迷的时机买入房产。
The Seal Lock is now available in the Cash Shop. 封印锁现在在购物商城有售。
The balance determines the amounts of available cash and their changes in time, however it does not account for the causes of these variations. 余额决定了可用现金的多少,体现了营业期间的现金的变化。
There are five grades of armor, four pulse energy weapons, three missile systems and four engines available when you have enough cash to purchase them. 游戏中有五个等级的装甲、四种脉冲能量炮、三种导弹系统以及四种引擎可供玩家选择,当然前提是你必须要有足够的资金来购买这些东西。
Once funding became available again, thanks to the oodles of cash injected into the financial system by central banks, the risks that banks and companies would go bankrupt due to an inability to refinance maturing debt receded. 融资渠道再次打通后这要感谢央行向金融系统注入的大量资金银行和企业因无法为到期债务再融资而破产的风险也随之消退。
If the executed order amount is smaller than the original amount of a buy order, the extra held funds will be released to your available cash balance. 如最终成交总额比初订立交易时的总额为少,多出之买盘资金会退回到阁下的户口现金结馀里。
It spent most of last year sitting on the sidelines with around 90 per cent of its available funds in cash. 在去年的大部分时间里,中投都作壁上观,其可用资金有90%左右以现金形式持有。
They were usually discretionary purchasers rather than needs-driven and some will even have been encouraged into property ownership by the very low rates of return available from their cash on deposit. 他们通常都是不受资金限制的买家,而不是需求推动型买家,有些甚至只是因为现金存款利率极低而购入物业。
A long-term available cash, please consult buy! 长期备有现货,欢迎询购!
Cash Available Some state programs indicate that the buyer must have a certain minimum of cash available before the buyer is approved for the program. 现金可用一些国家方案表明,买方必须有一定的最低现金前提供买方批准该方案。
Available Cash Relaxing and Asset Bubbles: An Experimental Test 资金约束放松与证券市场泡沫:一个实验检验
This value increase is through the increasing of available cash flow to the relational financing. 而这一价值增加正是基于关系型融资带来的未来可获得现金流增加进行传导的。